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Search Phrase: Program Planning
Results: 14
Records: 1-10
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Guidelines for Healthy Food and Beverages for Adolescent Health Programs
ACT for Youth
Developed for youth-serving program providers funded by the NYS Department of Health, this manual offers guidelines, tips, and recipes for providing delicious, healthy food in program settings.
Additional Keywords
program planning, obesity, tools, eating
Positive Youth Development 101: A Curriculum for Youth Work Professionals
Jutta Dotterweich
This curriculum offers an orientation to the youth development approach for professionals new to the field of youth work. For slides, activities, and handouts, visit the PYD 101 page.
Additional Keywords
PYD 101, tools, youth engagement, community involvement, program planning
Creating Inclusive Program Environments for Youth with Different Abilities
Jutta Dotterweich
This curriculum offers strategies and resources to make program settings more inclusive for youth with learning disabilities, ADHD, autism, or trauma. For slides, companion presentations, and handouts, visit the training web page.
Additional Keywords
inclusion, youth engagement, program planning, youth work professionals
Building Developmental Relationships
Jutta Dotterweich
In this Positive Youth Development Network webinar, Jutta Dotterweich explores research findings and resources that will help youth workers establish and maintain developmental relationships with young people.
Additional Keywords
youth work professionals, webinars, program planning
Motivation and Goals
Kristen Elmore
In this Positive Youth Development Network webinar, Kristen Elmore discusses motivational theories, characteristics and beliefs related to motivation, and how we can design contexts that support motivation.
Additional Keywords
youth work professionals, webinars, adolescent development, program planning
Strengthening Self-Regulation
Jutta Dotterweich
In this Positive Youth Development Network webinar, Jutta Dotterweich introduces the co-regulation model and concrete strategies for helping youth strengthen self-regulation.
Additional Keywords
youth work professionals, webinars, adolescent development, program planning, social and emotional learning, SEL
Inquiry-based Instruction: Engaging Youth in Deeper Thinking
Practice Matters
Beth Mastro
How can educators set the stage for critical thinking? Inquiry-based instruction offers an approach that goes beyond simply conveying information.
Additional Keywords
program planning, facilitation, youth engagement
Best Practices for Technical Assistance: What Does the Evidence Tell Us?
Research Facts and Findings
Mary Maley
The quality of youth programming depends on a well-trained, well-supported staff. In this article, Mary Maley describes what we know about best practices for technical assistance.
Additional Keywords
program planning, youth work professionals
Encouraging Growth Mindsets
Practice Matters
Kristen Elmore
Growth mindsets support learning, while fixed mindsets can make us reluctant to challenge ourselves. How can youth work professionals encourage growth mindsets among adolescents?
Additional Keywords
program planning, adolescent development
Social and Emotional Learning
ACT for Youth Center of Excellence
This video introduces social and emotional learning (SEL) and explains why SEL is relevant to practitioners in the field of positive youth development.
Additional Keywords
program planning, videos
Records: 1-10
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