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Evidence-Based Programs

CAPP Component 1: Evidence-Based Programs (EBP)

Comprehensive, evidence-based sexual health education is at the core of the CAPP initiative. While CAPP Component 1 (C1) includes several strategies to ensure access to sexual health care and family planning services, much of your effort will be devoted to the implementation of evidence-based programs (EBPs).

To implement comprehensive, evidence-based, age-appropriate sexual health education, CAPP providers must select at least one of these approved EBPs:

When thinking over the options, consider: Does this program fit the priority youth population? Does your organization have the capacity and motivation to deliver the program with fidelity and quality?

If your CAPP project chooses to work with a special population (e.g., youth with cognitive delays/impairments, youth in foster care systems, or youth involved in juvenile justice), you may also choose from the following evidence-informed programs:

Important Reminders

Community-Based Settings Required

At least two EBP cycles per year (one per biannual reporting period) need to be implemented in an out-of-school setting in the community. This allows programs to reach disenfranchised and transient youth that typically face greater health disparities. Incentives are allowed in out-of-school and after-school settings in line with the incentives policy below.

Pre-Post Survey Requirement

All CAPP providers are required to use pre- and post-surveys when implementing EBPs.

NYC School Requirements

There are special requirements for implementing programming in New York City schools.

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