PREP Evaluation and Reporting
Important Deadlines
Biannual Reports (BARs)
April 30 and October 31
Online Reporting System Cycle Entries
Within 2 weeks of end of cycle
Entry-Exit Surveys:
Entry-survey is completed before any EBP content is delivered; exit-survey is completed after EBP content is delivered.
Why Evaluate?
Data collection and reporting is required as a part of your grant funding and is critical to performance management. It allows you to track your progress toward goals and improve your program implementation. While reporting to funders is required, you can also find creative ways to use this data for your organization's needs and continuous improvement.
The pages listed below are your guide to the evaluation process, requirements, and the benefits of collecting and using your data.
PREP Online Reporting System (ORS)
The PREP online reporting system (ORS) is where you document information about your organization's programming. This is also where you will complete and submit biannual reports. Each educator and Health Educator Supervisor has a unique log-in to gain access to the ORS. Contact ACT for Youth if you need a log-in created.
PREP Entry-Exit Surveys
Projects funded through PREP are required to survey participants before and after delivery of evidence-based programs (EBPs). Collecting these entry-exit surveys helps us determine if the programming is having the intended effects of promoting healthy behaviors and reducing risky behaviors.
Biannual Reports to NYSDOH
Biannual reports (BARs) are due from each PREP project every year in April and October to provide the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) a summary of PREP programming strategies, successes, and barriers. These reports are an opportunity to share narrative information that is not captured in the day-to-day ORS reports. BAR due dates: 4/30 and 10/31 each year.
Using Your PREP Data
Reflecting on data collected throughout program implementation can help strengthen future efforts by identifying successes and barriers. Use the Data Visualization tool to create reports that reflect your organization's data.
Understanding how to collect and use your data is an important part of your program implementation. Be sure to check out the pages above for more detailed information and resources. We hope you find all of this information helpful, but remember you can always contact ACT for Youth through the ORS "Ask a Question" button for more assistance and information!