Planning Your CAPP Project
The CAPP Model provides a description of the overall initiative, but your organization's plan is specific to your community and the youth you aim to work with.
You have a head start!
Your organization has already done a lot of work to develop your plan! Your CAPP proposal is a valuable source of information. As the initiative progresses, revisiting your initial proposal, project logic model (if you have one), and other planning materials will help you keep the big picture in mind as you go about the daily aspects of implementing your CAPP project.
Best Practice: Institutional Memory
Keep important information about your CAPP project in a centrally accessible digital location for institutional memory!
- Your original proposal
- Your project logic model
- Important contacts at the Department of Health (DOH) and ACT for Youth
- Important contacts and other information regarding implementation sites
- Project decisions
- Important deadlines (e.g., Biannual Report due dates)
Revisit your proposal with ACT for Youth
As a first step, revisit your CAPP proposal. ACT for Youth can offer guidance on your proposed plan, including feedback on your plans for:
- Component 1 (C1) Evidence-Based Programs (EBPs), including EBP Fidelity and Adaptation
- Component 2 (C2) positive youth development (PYD) programming, including your plans for involving youth in program planning and implementation
- Improving access to sexual health care
- Providing referrals to youth services
- Parent education, if that is part of your proposal
- How these programmatic areas fit together
This conversation will also help identify training or capacity building needs for your team. Document any revised plans and discuss the proposed revisions with your DOH program advisor.
Develop a logic model
Consider developing or updating your CAPP project logic model. A logic model will help you keep your focus on outcomes and clarify your thinking about how to reach your goal. The model will help prevent misalignment between activities and outcomes. It will also jumpstart your evaluation process by making clear why you are doing what you are doing, what you will measure along the way, and what your expected outcomes are.
Consider your timeline
Next, consider your implementation plan timeline. When would you like to begin programming? Moving backwards from this date, consider:
- What training or capacity building do your educators need to be prepared to implement programming? This may include EBP-specific training, but also training on facilitation skills, classroom management, trauma-informed approaches, or positive youth development approaches. Determine when and how this training will be completed. (Check the ACT for Youth training calendar for opportunities, and reach out to ACT for Youth through the ORS "Ask a Question" button for additional support.)
- When do you need to reach out to potential implementation sites? Consider the amount of time needed to develop buy-in and secure written permissions from the site administrator or principal both to implement programming and to collect survey data. Keep in mind that Implementing in NYC Schools involves an extensive and time-consuming security clearance process.
Plan your referral system
Does your understanding of referrals to youth services align with the Department of Health's vision? Make sure your educators are aware of your referral process and the local community services and resources that might benefit youth. Make sure referrals are documented so they can be included in your Biannual Reports.Plan your management approach
Consider your approach to team management. When and how often will you check in with your educators, individually and as a group? Can you use that time to reflect on and use your data for continuous quality improvement?
Make a plan for observing your educators facilitating EBPs and working with them to build their skills.
What capacity-building might you need to build and strengthen your management approach? Remember to utilize any ACT for Youth learning opportunities available to supervisors (see the Training Calendar).
Now, go back and review the centrally-stored information about your CAPP project — does anything need to be updated? Be sure that your educators and other members of your organization know where to find this information.
For more detailed guidance, visit Managing Your Project and utilize the EBP Organizational Support Checklist and Supervisor's Monthly Checklist as you move forward to stay proactive in managing your project. Be sure to mark important deadlines (such as biannual report due dates) on your calendar. Reach out to ACT for Youth with any questions!